Saturday, November 7, 2015

Truth an Enemy...

I found it really interesting in the reading about the ‘truth’ and how we all perceive our views as the only right one. This is something that I have noticed recently that it bothers me when other people don’t see that they are biased from their perception and yet I do it all the time! I think a major part of why it bothers me in other people is because I know that I do it myself and it is something that I want to correct.
Connected with this was another Ah Ha moment from the reading which was, you can only critics if you love the person. This really hit home to me because in my mind I am very critical of people. I go through a whole life history in my head from one look and it is all my perception and imagination, and yet I act as if that was all truth.
 Being on vacation in Rome I especially noticed it, there are a lot of people vying for you attention to buy something or to eat at this restaurant. It tends to be very tedious to be constantly bothered to buy the same thing over and over again and when I first got her I was contemptuous of it all. After meeting up with my parents I learned of the incredible struggle in Rome to get work. There are too many people here and not enough jobs, and the jobs that are available are only given to the Italians. Most of the street vendors are immigrants and after gaining that insight I saw men doing whatever they could to provide for their families.
When I was willing to apply the knowledge I had gained of the true situation here, and saw through my mother’s actions the compassion she had for them I began to act differently. I didn’t go out and buy everything, however, my attitude and actions did. I was much more civil, realizing the amount of stress they are under, and the amount of rejection they receive on a daily basis. I started to try and walk in their shoes and worked on being nicer as I would want to be treated if the roles were reversed. 

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