Saturday, September 26, 2015

Week 1 - Smoke and Mirrors

During the readings I kept having and impression come to me of how effective Satan’s counterfeit is in the world. He would have us believe that cohabitation is not only a good test run to a marriage but the right thing to do. The appeal to the logical side of doing a test run by living together really does appeal to the natural man, and the idea has really taken hold in the younger generations.
With this idea planted we are stripped of all the benefits and responsibilities of a commitment. How much easier is it to walk away when things get tough when there is no promises made and no legalities to work through. While we are only focusing on the natural man we only see the personal benefits of such a situation and lack of responsibility we have. There truly is a difference in attitude and behavior when you have made a marriage vow. The world is discounting this in favor of the illusion of happiness and freedom.
The findings on cohabitation were very interesting and when you see it in the light of the gospel and what it teaches about relations between a man and a woman it makes total sense. Without that committed foundation of a marriage they don’t prosper. I was thinking about the parable of the man who built on the sand and the man who built on the rock. The sandy foundation will last will the weather is pleasant but the first storm will demolish the foundation.

The world really does teach us that we need to build on that ‘sandy foundation’, it coincides with the mentality of ‘eat, drink, and be merry for tomorrow we die’. If you don’t plant deep roots you can move on when things go south or become mundane and boring. What we don’t see is how this affects us to be this unattached. There is no safe harbor when we are not planting roots in a firm foundation. When we are continually on the emotional move and looking for greener pastures we are never able to achieve our potential, we are too busy with the next big thing to work on ourselves and becoming better people. 

Monday, September 14, 2015

The Beginning

I have blogged on and off for years but this is a new challenge, to blog specifically for a college course. My course is all about marriage and this will be the place where I will give my take on the material and things I have gathered from group discussions. I am excited to try my hand at academic focused blogging!

It seems fitting to share a wedding photo as this is going to be a course dedicated to marriage and I will be applying it to my marriage.