Saturday, October 17, 2015

Changes to be a Good Samaritan

I can’t get the story of the Good Samaritan out of my head and the insights of H.
Wallace Goddard. In the countless times I have heard or read this story I missed
the significance and charity in which the Savior responded to the Lawyer. I never
realized how many times the Savior drew out of him the knowledge he possessed
and strife to have his goodness come out instead of the deceit the Lawyer was
hoping for. How often has the Savior overlooked my evil nature and tried to draw
out my internal goodness instead.

Knowing the details better of the story has really changed my perception. That
theGood Samaritan was out looking to do good and prepared to help his
fellow men,while the other two happened upon the situation and judge the
person made metake a hard look at myself. I often will see things and make a
snap judgementabout the person/situation and act as if my assessment was fact.
Rarely have Ibeen on the lookout to help my fellow men and even less have I
acted when theopportunity was there.

More baffling for me was to learn of not only the great elevation difference
between Jerusalem and Jericho but the spiritual comparison it has in my
own life.So often I have been so concerned with my own affairs and making
it through thatI wonder how many of my ‘dying’ brothers and sisters have I
seen and past right onby. The Savior has never left me alone and continues to
forget my sins and faults tohelp heal and strengthen me and I have not been
very willing to share of my time tohelp another.

The Visiting Teaching message this month is on Christ’s attribute of charity
and loveand there was a quote in there by President Monson which showed
me a whole newlight on charity and how the Savior showed this to the Lawyer.

“Charity is having patience with someone who has let us down. It is resisting
the impulse to become offended easily. It is accepting weaknesses and
shortcomings. It is accepting people as they truly are. It is looking beyond
physical appearances toattributes that will not dim through time. It is resisting
the impulse to categorize others.”

After reading this I realize how in this one story the Savior was showing his
grace andgoodness because the words and intent of the Lawyer would have
aroused all of theseemotions in me. I have realized that I do choose to be
offended easily and that I focus onthe weakness instead of trying to see the
goodness and divine worth of the other person.From this quote I have a
guideline on how I will be working on becoming more like Christ
in being charitable to those I come in contact with.

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